A Group

Nature - Award - American White Pelican - Sharlene P

Nature - Award - Female Wood Duck - Sharlene P

Nature - Image of the Month - Planking - Julia W

Color - Award - Collecting Pollen - Sharlene P

Color - Award - Hello - Julia W

Color - Image of the Month - Young Male Ruby Throated Hummingbird - Sharlene P
Monochrome - Award - Steamed Up - Steve M

Monochrome - Image of the Month - Weathered - Nancy E

Monochrome - Award - Another Day - Julia W
B Group

Monochrome - Image of the Month - Early Morning - Mark King

Monochrome - Award - Make a Wish - Kelly D

Monochrome - Honorable Mention - Coastal Moonlight - Kelly D

Nature - Image of the Month - In My Way - Mark K

Nature - Award - Little Greenie - Coleen M

Nature - Award - Inside Puff Ball - Hank P

Color - Image of the Month - Hanging Out - Coleen M

Color - Award - Gargoyle - Cindy B

Color - Award - Jackson Lake - Kelly D

Color - Honorable Mention - Alleyway - Cindy B

Color - Honorable Mention - Pond Lily - Hank P